Virtual counter for citizens

Remote services to help residents with administrative tasks

As of now, it is already possible to complete some tasks on the website. In the future, more and more administrative services may be available online to avoid tedious trips between various buildings in the Municipality.


Above all, it is a question of distinguishing between a “centralized counter” and a “virtual counter”. Although the first is physical (a reception area where the services provided by the civil service are grouped together), the second gives citizens the opportunity to perform their administrative tasks remotely. Even though more and more people have access to the internet, the City of Pully wants to keep physical counters – including a centralized counter in the future with the planned renovation of the Priory – to offer a true reception and personalized advice, to stay close to the population, and, above all, to prevent a digital divide. However, the goal is for all the steps to eventually be available online as well.

The municipal-level services are gradually being introduced on the Pully digital portal: e-excavation permit, an e-boutique selling wine and wood, library catalog with management of online loans and e-book lending, Octagone [theater] ticketing with seat reservation, and ticket sales for the Pully museum are already available. In the near future, the rental of rooms or sanctuaries will also be offered online. Finally, event organizers have a shared platform with the Canton and the Municipalities to facilitate their processes.



Municipalities, Cantons and Confederation: all interdependent

The towns and municipalities of Vaud are all subordinate to the Canton and even to the Confederation for many official acts. As such, putting these administrative services online involves consultation and coordination at the cantonal level. The legal aspects of e-Government and data protection also need to be addressed beforehand. For example, when a citizen first moves into municipal territory, he/she must always appear in person at the Population Office. The state of progress of e-Government at the cantonal and federal levels may explain why some services are not yet available via the internet. To go faster, why not work alone? Not such a good idea after all. Putting an online resident check online at the Pully level would only seem smart at first glance. For technical and financial reasons, these developments absolutely must be coordinated with other levels of government. This being said, middle-of-the-road approaches are possible prior to complete digitization: Municipality arrival and departure forms can, for example, be pre-filled out online.