Using new technology to improve the lives of the population and the work of civil service employees is not a thoughtless endeavor. Pully does not blindly follow technological advances to automatically implement them in its processes or in the City. For a given objective (to measure mobility in the downtown area, to offer a service tailored to citizens’ needs, to meet employees’ expectations, etc.), extensive consideration is given on each occasion in order to determine the advantages and disadvantages of each new project in the City based on the following criteria.


A smart city puts human relationships at the forefront. Technology is only a tool; it is in no way the ultimate goal. As more online features are developed and more wired items appear, the smart city is careful not to create a digital divide. The purpose of developing a social platform with Pro Senectute is to strengthen connections between elderly residents.


Contrary to popular belief, information technology really can bring citizens closer together, whether by creating connections between them or by freeing up their time to promote the exchange of ideas. Putting a schedule online with the activities being offered helps improve relationships between residents, promote encounters and socialization, and draw certain people, especially seniors, out of their isolation.


An efficient city uses technological processes to improve how it operates, as a way of better serving the population. Being more efficient also helps keep costs down, for example by avoiding duplicating* tasks or by simplifying certain administrative processes. The new financial management solution used by the civil service and the digitalization of the process for granting excavation permits are examples of this. Redundant entries are removed and shared information is more reliable, which improves the efficiency of the processes. Be careful though: with changing technology come changing needs. Who would have said 20 years ago that we would be equipped with fiber-optic schools or classrooms with digital whiteboards? In order for these gains in efficiency and these new requirements to exist, we must take into account their cost.


What does it mean to be “practical”? Above all, it means simplifying the lives of citizens and visitors. Providing information in real time, taking advantage of powerful computer and smartphone-related resources, and developing online services are all illustrations of this. The ability to buy your ticket for the pool by text message and the shopping portal for the City’s products (wood, wine) are improvements that aim to facilitate residents’ daily lives.